How Often Should You Pump Out the Septic Tank in Your Home?


Septic pumping is an essential procedure that involves getting rid of the sludge, water, and floating matter in your septic tank. Pumping is important in maintaining the performance and efficiency of your septic system. It gets rid of the waste and prevents the wastewater from overflowing. The procedure also unclogs any blockages in the septic tank and drain field which could interfere with the functioning of the entire systems. 

Most people who have septic systems in their homes have never pumped them, and they don't even know how often the procedure should be undertaken. This article will enlighten you on when you should pump out your septic tank to improve its efficiency.

Scheduled pump outs

Whether your septic tank is showing signs of being full or not, it is important to have a pumping schedule. Ideally, you should pump out your tank at least once every two years. As long as the system is functioning correctly, the anaerobic bacteria should be able to break down the sludge and prevents solids from clogging the leach field. 

It should take around two years or more for the sludge to accumulate to dangerous levels. When the septic service company comes, ask about the sludge thickness and the level of the water so that they can advise on how long it will take for you to require another pump out session.

Increased water consumption

Your septic system collects all the wastewater from your home. Septic tanks are designed with the average domestic water consumption rate in mind. Any significant increase in the water usage of your home can adversely affect the performance of the tank. 

For example, if the number of occupants in the home increases, this means that you will be using more water. The septic tank will be forced to hold more than it is used to. If its capacity does not meet that of the wastewater dispensed from the home, it may overflow within a few months. You need to get the tank pumped more regularly if you increase the water capacity in the home.

Septic warning signs 

Are your toilets flushing very slowly lately? Are you noticing some sewer smells in your indoor plumbing fixtures? Are there unusual odours in your yard near the drain field? All these are warning signs that your septic system is unhealthy. A blockage can cause these problems in your tank which leads to sewer back up and leaks in the leach field. If you notice any of these problems, you need to get the tank checked and pumped immediately.

Septic tank pump outs are not set in stone, and you should be able to identify when your system requires immediate pumping. Contact a septic company and remember to ask about scheduled maintenance for your septic system.


26 July 2018

Septic Services: A Detailed Guide

Yo! My name is Stan. While septic services may not seem like a very cool subject for a blog, I can assure you that it is a very important one. I first became interested in septic services when I moved out of the city to the country. It was a real change of gear and there were many differences which I needed to get used to. One of the most important differences was that the property was not connected to the local sewer system. This meant I had to get used to maintaining the septic tank. Thankfully, I got lots of great advice from my neighbours and the septic company. I hope you like this blog.